OK, let's get start with the first pain in my waist area,
However, I have totally absolutely no idea how and when it started =.=
Rewind rewind rewind.. I remembered that I was in bad mood for few days. For certain reasons, I cannot mention it in public, just I am emo-ing that time. In my memory, I remembered that I have a pain feeling in my waist area but I decided to leave it there because I thought it will recover very soon.. *VERY SOON =.=""
I still can deal with the pain at first because I am heart-rocked perhaps =.=
Usually I can tolerate with those pain on flesh, and I don't easily shout and groan like newborn baby. Maybe I am trained by my brother since kindergarden and I remember the most he was the first people in my life who bend my finger into two, and since that day onwards, you can always the sound "crack creck cruck" on me because I always crack my bones like neck, fingers, waist, legs, toes.. bla bla bla and so on... Whoever sit beside me since primary school will always feel fear sometimes.. sorry for that although sometimes I did it purposely XD
I have no idea whether is I always bend my waist too much and lead to ultra untahanable pain or other reasons. At first, I still do everything as usual, cycling, walking, jogging and so on.. but after that, I found that the pain is continuously day-to-day and I still keep it as a secret to everyone including my dear =.=""
After a week time, I decided to look for a doctor but I have no idea where to look for a doctor in Kampar because I never have big sickness (perhaps I am too healthy..XD) =.=""
I went for a 跌打医生 in Kampar Old Town in an afternoon. However, the doctor just asked what happen on me and start massaged my spinal cord area after I just answered 腰骨痛 =.=""
Then, he gave me two small pack of medicine and said I will recover in two days time. WTF him never ask for any further details then directly conclude my sickness.
Ok lah.. I trusted him for two days.. and I ate up the medicine as well in two days..
However, no more doubt, I went to find my uncle in Kampar directly after the medicine has no effect at all. He brought to me to another Indian doctor. The Indian doctor seemed like more professional, he asked me to lie down and rise my leg, and concluded that I have a muscle pain in 5 minutes =.="" (professional har ?? =.="") like the previous doctor, he gave me two medicines as well plus one cream and said I will recover soon within four days..
Okok.. four days.. four days.. I can wait for it as long as the doctor's word is reliable..
1 week passed, the medicine is finished, the cream is almost finish too. YET, MY BACK IS STILL PAIN!! I went to find my uncle again and asked him to bring me to hospital. I heard a lot of my friends said that the hospital in Kampar is useless, not effective at all but I still decide to have a try before look for specialist.
Third time for doctor, I have class, I reached the hospital at about 5pm, there is so less people in the hospital because the type of blood in all the doctors and nurses is "Malay", which consists of hidden laziness.
There was just one last doctor, and he asked me that: Kenapa datang lambat?? sudah pukul lima lah ~ mari, duduk, apa sakit cakap
Me: Sakit belakang...
Dr.M: okok, cucuk, cucuk ~
Me: Huh ???
Then the doctor leave the room straight away wtf =.=!!
I asked the nurse, apa cucuk??
Nurse A: Injection
Nurse B: kenapa datang lambat?? sudah pukul lima lah~~ lain kali datang awal sikit mah~~
Before going on, I would like to mention that the Kampar hospital close every Saturday and Sunday. The opening time of the hospital is morning ??AM--5PM. Did you heard before any hospital will shut down at night?? The one which will shut down at night is called Clinic, not HOSPITAL!!
Directly, I have no any chances to explain my sickness and the doctor straight away gave me an injection right on my left ass and its HURT!!!! WTF!!! After that, the pharmacy nurse gave me two medicines again and asked me to mix together to eat.
Ok lah~ RM 1 for one injection and 2 medicines without any advice/explanation, it still worth enough if it is effective..
I hardly to describe how the feeling is when your ass is paralyzed, but I can tell you it is HURT!!
Before going to Kampar hospital, I did find my aunt living in Ipoh, who is my friend of dad 30 years ago.. they haven't meet for more than 30 years already =.="""
I went to Kampar hospital on Monday and actually it seemed effective enough, at least I can feel the pain on my ass more than my waist now =.=|||
Next, my aunt brought me to Ipoh on Tuesday and stay at her house for one night.
Ohhh~~~~ Ohhhh~~~~ Ohhhhh~~~~~ I don't have to pay for anything because my aunt paid everything including a dinner that costs RM15 I think. It is really w-a-l-a-o-w-e-h because everything in Ipoh is double compare to Kampar, but luckily I don't have to pay lah.. I would never pay a dinner that I think is EXPENSIVE because my blood inside my body is flowing miserly~~ XD
I stay at her house, with a very hard bed and affluent wind because without mosquito gauze =.=||
I am the type of person that will recognize and miss my only bed after I get used to it. +.+""
My dear claimed as a big small boy, is it true ?? =.=""
I couldn't sleep at all, so I just SMS with my dear in Singapore. My Maxis bill is flooded T.T
When I wake up in the morning, I saw a small but fat little mosquito struggling on the floor.
Hahaha~~ 活该,抵死 lah~~!! I have ate up so many medicine and you this little fella still dare to drink so many of my blood~!! You will die fat with many chemical blood inside your body even if I don't pijak you now~~
With a very kind heart, I decided to touch it lightly and tear off its wings to let the poor pity little mosquito can fly to the sky of west early~ XD
Now the time for specialist in Ipoh Hospital, the doctor now is more professional, kept asking me questions and asked me to lie down and tested my nerve reactions. Then he concluded that it is my nerves going wrong~~ but he still add on with the sentence: If you still haven't recover within two to three weeks, you have to come back here for X-ray
swt =.=!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skip all the thrash, back to Kampar.
P/S: I skipped two classes because I am holding MC~ XD
Thanks to my uncle and aunt. =)
##*1月15日*## -- 路飞的One Piece
5 weeks ago
Get well soon.Take care and rest more.
ReplyDeletewah.. so you are hospitalized now?